News, views and interviews from Empathy Action

What’s next after the Glasgow Agreement?
Chair Paul Williams writes on Empathy Action's commitment post COP26 Glasgow

Truth or Dare in Yangon
Empathy is a muscle that requires exercising. Delivering empathy exercises with the International School of Yangon (ISY)

The Future of Food
Team members Becky, Ben & Sandy visited the FOOD: Bigger than the Plate exhibition at the Victoria & Albert museum for inspiration on future programmes.

Schools Choose Empathy
Following the recent spell of Desperate Journeys at The Royal Victoria Place, we reflect on the rise of schools choosing empathy for their students.

Craft and Conversation
A joint initiative run by Empathy Action and Tonbridge Welcomes Refugees, it brings together women from Syria and the UK.

Desperate Journeys coming to Tunbridge Wells
Desperate Journeys is coming to Royal Victoria Place in Tunbridge Wells, from mid-February to the end of March 2019.

Build a longer table (Empathy at Christmas)
Christmas dinner calls our nearest and dearest to the table.

Then & Now: “Imagine- children’s refugee journeys”
Safe Passage is calling on the Government to agree to fully fund a scheme to resettle 10,000 children at risk over 10 years from Europe and conflict regions across the world – matching the Kindertransport efforts.

Stitching together messages of peace from around the world
To mark World Peace Day 2018, Empathy Action partnered with humanitarian relief supplier NRS International to run a #PeaceDoves campaign to give wings to a message of hope, peace and reconciliation that went across the world.

The making of a Peace Dove
Empathy Action’s Innovation Manager Sandy Glanfield describes the up and coming Peace Dove product and it’s journey from Istanbul to Lahore to being the latest of the Gifts that Give Twice product.

My Desperate Journey by Jenny Maslin
I was excited (and a little nervous) to see what it was all about. I experienced Desperate Journeys as a participant during their launch week and co-founders Ben and Matt asked me to write about my experience.

“Desperate Journeys”, understanding the global refugee crisis through empathy
Empathy Action’s new Refugee immersive experience launches this week to help build understanding and action for the biggest humanitarian crisis since the second world war.

Climate Change: “the dividing line between poverty and wellbeing”
An Empathy Action team went to Bonn, Germany to join a Christian lobby at the 23rd Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP23).

“The Empathy Deficit”
Barack Obama, described how a country must overcome a deficit in empathy to address the needs of those at risk in society.

“feeling, even if only through a simulation, eclipses all the telling in the world”
A question that we are frequently asked. The reality is there is no uniform response to each event. The feelings people who take part feel are unique. So to is their response.

“Desperate Journeys”- A New Refugee Simulation
“Desperate Journeys”: a new Empathy Action live interactive experience.

One Festival Bracelet, Two Refugee Stories
A school has become more engaged in the global refugee crisis following an exercise in empathy with students.

Parents get behind a ‘Syrian’ School Summer Festival
Following the success of Syrian refugee women made festival entrance bracelets last year, parents of St Michaels Prep School, Otford have sought a similar venture for their sell-out summer festival for over 500 people.