Creating backdrops for learning.
Bringing global issues to life.
We’re specialists in creating immersive empathy workshops on the world’s biggest issues – from the refugee crisis to climate change, to global poverty. Using a combination of theatrical, audio visual and educational techniques these workshops create powerful backdrops for learning for young people and adults alike.
Climate Justice
Our interactive film-based climate justice workshop that you can download and run for your group. Participants learn how their life decisions impact other people’s life chances, and explore how they can help to bring about climate justice.
Refugee Crisis
A powerful refugee crisis workshop brought to life by our team of volunteers. Based firmly on facts, first-hand accounts and case studies, it aims to bring home to those taking part the human stories behind the news headlines.
Global Poverty
An immersive workshop on global poverty delivered by our team of volunteers and built on real people’s lives and testimonies. It enables participants to experience something of what it feels like to be trapped in extreme poverty.
Each workshop covers one of the world’s biggest issues: global poverty, the refugee crisis and climate justice.
Our immersive workshops are designed to sensitively build up a picture of what life is like for billions of people worldwide.
Participants hear the real life stories of people facing the world’s biggest issues, retold by our partners and volunteers
Our team of volunteer story-tellers include people affected by issues such as refugee crisis and global poverty.
Bespoke activities
From community lunches with an ethical message to tailored empathy workshops on issues such as peace, racism, compassion, and global hunger, our team of volunteers can craft immersive activities specific to your group’s needs. Get in touch today to discuss how we can help create the right workshop for you.

Contact Empathy Action
To find out more or to talk to one our team about running an immersive workshop in your school, organisation or business contact us today.