An immersive refugee crisis workshop
Desperate Journeys is an immersive refugee crisis workshop. It explores the global refugee crisis by tracking the journey of a family forced from their home in a war torn country. It is a challenging piece based firmly on facts, first-hand accounts and case studies to bring home to those taking part the human stories behind the headlines.
A challenging immersive workshop
The workshop is delivered within a maze-like set which we can assemble in a large hall or large marquee (at least 12×18 metres). It runs for 90 minutes including briefing and a reflective feedback and discussion session. The experience is designed for up to 30 participants at a time, who will be guided through it by our cast members.
Alternative ‘lite’ version
We also offer an adaptable 60 minute version of Desperate Journeys for smaller venues or for groups where time is limited. Do contact us to discuss your needs and we’ll be happy to help.

Contact Us
To find out more about Desperate Journeys or to discuss running it with your group please do contact us today.
About Desperate Journeys
Creator and Director Hilary Sanders and Project Manager Chris Hix have written and produced an immersive theatre experience which enables participants to glimpse the desperation which is forcing so many in the 21st Century to flee from their homes to risk an unknown future.
Empathy Action is indebted to them and to those who have undertaken these journeys and allowed their stories to be heard.
Special thanks to our story consultant Reem Assayyah, Carl Haley (Hale0) and Hilary Sanders for music production, Heather Williams for props and Sarah Ford for costumes
We are indebted to our partners: Pickwell Foundation, Tonbridge Baptist Church, SPA Aluminium, NRS International, Tarpaulins Direct Ltd, Store Anything, Harrod Horticultural, The Gatehouse & New Life Church, Christ Church Tunbridge Wells, and Tonbridge School.