What does Empathy Action do ?
Empathy Action inspires and empowers people to live as global neighbours and play their part in building a fairer, safer, more equal world. We do this through three main activities: immersive workshops, creative partnerships and The Empathy Store (our online gift shop of fairly traded products). The aim of each activity is to ignite a desire to help in people - to turn empathy into compassionate action.
How does Empathy Action work?
Empathy Action’s experiential activities include immersive empathy workshops which bring to life global issues, by retelling the lived experiences of people on the front line of issues such as climate change, global poverty and the refugee crisis. Using a combination of theatrical, audio visual and educational techniques these workshops create powerful backdrops for learning for young people and adults alike. These experiences are designed to sensitively build up a picture of what everyday life is like for billions of people worldwide, stimulating discussion about how participants can respond to humanitarian need through volunteering, or donating goods, skills or financial resources. Each simulation is also directly helping marginalised groups, with profits going into Empathy Action’s Livelihood Development Fund, helping marginalised individuals and communities become self-sufficient.
Who does Empathy Action work with?
Empathy Action works with any school, business, charity or other organisation that wishes to take advantage of the experiential activities it provides, both here in the UK and abroad. This includes working with profit and non-profit organisations to encourage and support their Corporate Social Responsibility.
Do immersive empathy workshops work?
How each participant responds to Empathy Action’s experiential activities is personal and we do not place any expectation on anyone before they take part. However, we have seen that each workshop is a valuable tool in a schools’ educational and citizenship programs, and also in assisting in the development of genuine Corporate Social Responsibility in businesses and other organisations. Students and staff often find the experience genuinely life-changing. Read Kat’s story What happened next: Kat’s story
Do you charge for running your immersive workshops?
Yes, with the income split between covering our overheads, enabling us to develop further workshops and supporting our Livelihood Development Fund. Each event is unique to your group so please do get in touch to find out more.
How is Empathy Action funded?
Empathy Action is currently run solely by volunteers with no paid staff members. It is funded by private donations and grant funders, as well as the income we make from delivering our activities, all of which contribute towards our overheads, volunteers’ expenses and our Livelihood Development Fund. Our volunteers receive no financial remuneration except for expenses properly incurred. Those volunteers working full-time are required to raise their own support.
Ask us anything
If you have a question that’s not covered here, please do get in touch with the Empathy Action team