Why are we doing Work Experience with EA

Why are we doing Work Experience with EA

2018 Summer EA Interns

2018 Summer EA Interns

We chose to do work experience here at Empathy Action, our names are Dan (year 12), Leigha (year 10) and Tilly (year 12) all from Bennett Memorial. We thought we’d share a little more about it:

Q.Why did you want to do Work Experience at Empathy Action?


Dan: I wanted to do work experience here at Empathy Action because I was challenged at a simulation that they ran ‘to do something’ with the feelings I had felt about  poverty. I really wanted to do something.


Leigha: I wanted to do work experience with Empathy Action because I wanted to develop an understanding of world poverty and help a cause that works against it.


Tilly: I chose to do my work experience at Empathy Action because I wanted to have one work experience placement that was a little bit more meaningful and would help to create and inspire the change that we need to be seeing.


Q.What have you been up to?


We’ve been getting to know the team, helping with the tagging and bagging of handicrafts for Action Packs, Wedding Favours and simulations, crafting social media posts (using the hashtag #EmpathyActionStories), sorting out the vast amount of simulations materials and diving into the craft of inspiring compassionate action.


We learnt a subtle difference between commanding people to take action and inspiring people to take action and how empathy can be a powerful tool for social change. We were able to read stories and watch videos around other people who have changed as a result of empathising.


It’s been insightful into the world of charity being here and I would strongly suggest other wanting to help change their world to consider getting stuck into a charity like Empathy Action. Thank you for having us!Handicrafts


Photo Credit Leigha Swaffer


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