Team News | Summer Break 2021
We know that know that not all of you could be there on Monday’s Team BBQ at the Barn where John & Richard have been working hard at for the past several months.
Here’s a few videos (form the ones we captured) re the lovely tributes that were given and one beautiful response from Sandy.
Sandy pays tribute to Becky at the TEAM BBQ
Then Matt gives a tribute for Sandy 19.07.21
Sandy responds with a beautiful message to the team… :)
For your prayers and thoughts over the summer
Please keep remembering Colin (and Janet), Lys (and Chris) & Claire (and family) as they all continue to persevere for health.
Also for Becky & Matt as they move to Cambridge and Blandford Forum
For Bee’s new job at the Proclamation Trust starting in mid Aug
Sandy as she looks for employment
We’re back in Sept… until then have a fab summer! :)