tEAm news #71 | 27.1.22

I truly believe the only way we can create global peace is through educating not only our minds, but our hearts and our souls. This is the way forward to our destiny of peace and prosperity.
— Malala Yousafzai

24 January is the fourth International Day of Education starting adopted by UNESCO’s, in celebration of the role of education for peace and development. 

It is not only calling the international community to build a sustainable and resilient societies to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, but also to transform the future through rebalancing or our relationships with each other. 

If there is one thing we can do to contribute to raise concerns for equity, inclusion and democratic participation, education can be one of the most direst and effective means to bring hope and empower people to respond in empathy to the most marginalised people.


  • MOMENT OF PRAYER - Mondays 9-9:15: a moment to pause and pray for our work & team. All welcome!
    Link here (Meeting ID: 708 452 7633 Passcode: empathy)

  • (Until Feb 11th) Valentine’s campaign is launching this week through The Empathy Store… More beneath!

  • Late Feb/Early Mar 2022: TPT Sevenoaks (TBC)

  • St Johns Primary School: Empathy Exercises (TBC)

  • Summer 2022: DJ Sevenoaks (TBC)

  • W/c 27th June: Wally Hall School - Sevenoaks (2 days)

  • 30th June: Sevenoaks School with Strange Face (TBC)

  • Sept 2022: TPT: Activate Learning (TBC)

Valentine’s Campaign

Cam, Barbra, Krishna and Ben have been working on a Valentine’s campaign. Here’s a sneaky peek at the blog post (being launched tomorrow)… but the idea is

“This year please join us in being slightly alternative
in saying ‘you love them’ this Valentine’s Day!”

Meet Cam

As not all of you may know Cam, we asked him to share a little bit more of his history with us…

He also talks about the Valentine’s Campaign (starts from 2:18). Thanks Cam!

Other Updates

  • Wally Hall & Strange Face have been in touch about getting us in (both on the same week!) Wally Hall are asking for 2 days of programme and Strange Face another attempt to trial the empathy exercises workshop (that we specially designed for the Tunbridge Wells Puppetry Festival last year) for Sevenoaks School (who incidentally and on a separate conversation want us in to do Desperate Journeys).

  • The Poverty Trap. Alison D sent round a sobering article about the worsening situation in Afghanistan and the selling of family members and kidney sales. These are areas that we simulate during the Poverty Trap and look for ways to bring the reality of desperation and choices so many people make. If you would like to volunteer in our TPT programmes, we hope that we will be back this summer (Wally Hall and possibly Sevenoaks), please get in touch with Ben and a Sign Up Sheet will go out and reflect the opportunities to volunteer.

  • Ben and Vanya visited ‘The Soup Bowl‘ at MOSAIC Resource Centre this week. Mosaic, run by Churches for Tunbridge Wells, started last September and provides many service for those who are at risk of homeless. Besides the kitchen, shower and laundry facilities, there are also volunteers come along to provide mental health service. Mosaic aims to help the users to move forward in their lives.

MOSAIC Resource Centre

A BIG congratulations to one of the founding EA-er’s Dave “Crispy” & his wife Corrine Crisp on the safe arrival of thier son Sammy- also Grandson to TPT regulars Colin (also a trustee!) & Janet Crisp!

Former team member and EA friend, Sandy Glanfield received this lovely ‘sketchnote’ of her by a friend and tagged us here at Empathy Action. How beautiful… and the artist said about Sandy’s skill at facilitating:

[She] was there using her open heart and creativity to spark kindness and make all happen, using her attention, her time, her voice, connecting with enablers. Any time I have shared a zoom room, alas we met only online, I always felt this!


tEAm news #72 | 3.2.22


tEAm news #70 | 20.1.22